In this page, you will join in a conversation between Kyle and Brandon (actual employees of Integrity Earth & Asphalt) as they look at servicing a new lot.

Brandon: We have a job to complete, right? What is the job and how are we going to do it?”

Kyle:  The job is this, we have to collect all of this snow and put it somewhere else. 

“How hard will it be to gather it all up? Will a full size truck or a front-end loader fit in there? Or do we need something smaller that we have to bring on a trailer. Should I tell the sidewalk crew that this needs to be added to their list? It sounds like a good idea because I don't think that one operator and a small shovel will have enough time to stay on task since the plow truck needs to get it away from those concrete curbs first… and we do need the sidewalks clear before we start to clear the main area of the lot…

Well now that we have that figured out, where are we putting the snow?

Oh that's easy… this side of the lot you have to push it up over the hill, and around the corner and then there is a little spot between some bushes that we are allowed to stack it, don't worry we will come back and remove the pile once it gets too big. The other half of the lot we can just stack in the far corner and there is plenty of room over there. This will help if we get 8” of snowfall overnight and not just 2”. 

What about after we are done, do we need to salt your Northern Michigan property? 

ice management, salting after snow plowing, snow removal contractor in northern michigan

Yes, it is very important that we salt your commercial parking lot, roadways, and walkways, in Northern Michigan, every time we snow plow. Commercial properties get a lot of traffic. To make sure that no one slips and your business is easily accessible and safe, our team salts the surface each time we clear it.  

Do you think you can handle all of this?     

Of course! 

Great! Let's get started, when you get done there, go over to Mrs G’s house and clear her driveway. Be careful not to tear up her lawn! 

...As you can see, many questions need to be answered, and each job is different. Details are extremely important when looking at any snow removal job.  

But what are the actual numbers?

In general, a good service for a residential driveway will cost anywhere from $50-$150 for a simple 2” snowfall. 

A small to mid-size commercial lot snow removal you can expect to be in the range of $75 to $500 each occurrence.


Large commercial areas can often get into thousands of dollars for each snow event or annually.

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